2nfro About Us

2nfro Technology Ventures uses modern technologies to solve universal problems.

We believe information is a lot like the rays of the sun. Sunshine is essential to life on earth but over exposure can cause harm to an individuals skin. However, the right amount of exposure can leave you with a healthy glow.

2nfro builds products that enhance our collective experience. We view present day digital life like time spent on the beach. Our creations are much like the familiar necessities you'd use at the beach to enchance and extend your enjoyment in the sun. Products like sunscreen, sunglasses, towels, umbrellas, swim shorts or bikinis.

Having fun at the beach? Let us offer you a chair, a radio, a frizbee, a football or maybe even a cooler full of drinks.

Our creations help people optimize, organize, and derive enjoyment from the vast amount of information and technology that is at their disposal. 2nfro achieves its mission by infusing technology into popular ideas, concepts and themes to produce user friendly and innovative products.